Real Camera Mod is a Minecraft mod that makes the camera more realistic in the first-person view. Allowing you to bind the camera to a specific part of your body, customize the position and rotation, and render your player model in first-person perspective.
Realistic First Person:
The Mod allows you to see parts of your body and armor in first-person view. This includes your arms, legs, and even your helmet.

Realistic Swimming:
The mod also adds a real-life swimming animation, making the player move around in a more realistic manner.
Flexible Configuration:
The Mod allows you to adjust the camera in-fly, allowing for amazing photography opportunities. Whether you’re looking to take a stunning screenshot of your Minecraft build or capture a perfect moment in your adventure.

or maybe some trippy camera work.

to change the mod’s configuration go to the config screen where you will find different keybindings.

How to install:
Requires either Forge, Fabric, Quilt or NeoForged
Dependencies: Fabric API, Cloth Config API, Mod Menu
How to install Minecraft Mods.